Tuesday, December 22, 2009


the countdown is running ...


now 2 days before Christmas, so it is done: All the stage is set, almost all necessary documents are ready and our big adventure Abu Dhabi 2010 is now nothing in the way ...

We thought it would be nice if your so our family and our friends to continue to find a phone, Skype, mail, etc. could be part of our lives. Therefore we are regularly using this blog, the latest Developments, experiences, pictures and reviews to share with you.

wants those who can, therefore in future the question: "And how are you you down there?" Save and talk about the same details with us, because with this blog you are always up to date ";-)

now but first a happy, peaceful and relaxing Christmas, you recovered well and if we see you no more in advance. .. Slides `s also good over!

love all greetings

S & J