Sunday, September 26, 2010

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diary California - Universal City

to spend our last day in California, we had two options:

  1. all day at the beach in Santa Monica rumlümmeln
  2. visit Universal Studios and even a touch of Hollywood to do
Although we the last three weeks had really experienced enough and a day at the beach sounded very tempting, we still opted for option 2 and the Universal City paid a visit.
Universal City is located in Los Angeles and consists of the theme park also from a shopping center, Universal Studios, office buildings and hotels.
Ben and Jerry's in Universal City
for the theme park itself, we had bought on the internet front-of-line tickets that we simply normal were allowed to walk by and queues have practically spent the whole day without waiting in the park. First goal in the park for us was the Universal Studios tour, during which we were driven by bus from the park to take part in the studio complex inspection may.
scenes at Universal Studios
We are even in an active set of the passed Desperate Housewives a Setbesuch, however, is allowed only with the VIP pass - that was us then with over $ 200 but but too expensive. To see highlights of the tour was King Kong 3D, a hall in the largest on the 3D screens in the world were part of King Kong and we were drawn into the action with our bus.
course there was still the white shark and various other film sets to assess,
plane crash from War of the Worlds
interesting correctly, however, the technical tricks, such as the car stunt footage from The Fast & The Furious
Car stunts on a hydraulic stage
and generating a flood in the film Lies have short legs.
Artificial flooding
Back in the theme park there for us for many 3D shows (including Terminator 2, Shrek 4D), a special effects show, a show with animal actors and a few rides like The Simpsons Ride (a virtual roller coaster), The Mummy (an indoor roller coaster), the House of Horrors (a ghost train) and Jurassic Park discover (a water ride). As Halloween in America is almost at the door (I know, only one month is gone, at Macy's in San Francisco, we have even seen Christmas decorations), the film park even for the Halloween Horror Nights 2010 has been prepared, and we got a few more Zombie to face.
evening we then strolled a bit through the mall and have the last night in California begun.
The Hard Rock Cafe in Universal City
should stand out because our flight the next morning at 6:15 clock, we booked a hotel anymore, but operated Night Sight-seeing in LA and by us as Mulholland Drive, the Walk of Fame, Sunset Boulevard, Melrose Avenue and the city itself adopted.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

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diary California - Highway 1 (01)

led the last chapter in our long journey leave us through one of the most beautiful streets in the world, the Highway 1
We started in Sunnyvale, a small town located in Silicon Valley and drove past the headquarters of some of the largest IT companies; including Oracle, Adobe, Symantec and EA were on our way. A small detour we have done because I really wanted to try a ride on the Infit Loop, the road that leads to the Apple headquarters in Cupertino.
Apple headquarters in Cupertino
Then it went straight to Highway 1 and thus the Pacific. Every few hundred meters invited vantage points to explore and linger. Nearby
Cove Monterey
In Section Big Sur, we found it very impressive: on the one hand there are the mountains of central California, on the other side the sea surges to beaches and mountains.
Rocky Creek Bridge
Actually, we had also hoped to see whales but unfortunately we were out of Walwanderungszeiten in California (December - March), so that we naturally no whale in front of the lens came. In San Simeon, we could observe for a herd of sea lions on the beach:
sea lions in San Simeon
Also, a few cows, relaxing on the beach, we could see:
On Highway 1 relax even cows
The next morning we visited
Hearst Castle, the residence of the media mogul William Randolph Hearst. Hearst himself is said to have served as a template for the main character in the film Citizen Kane.
Hearst Castle - Main House
addition to the three Guest houses and the main house, all of which were richly decorated and elegant left, especially the two pool areas make a lasting impression.
Neptune Pool
went after the nearly two-hour tour will then return to the one south. Thanks to some jams we have left Santa Barbara and in our case: right hand side and are directly driven to Malibu, where we made a little walk on the beach and of course the beach houses have seen on their stilts.
As it was getting late, we drove to our hotel in Santa Monica, where we arrived just before sunset, so we have not done much and the evening with a Burger have let fade away.

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Reviews: The Refuge in San Carlos

San Carlos - Dining - Restaurants - Dining - Fast Food & Takeaway - Sandwiches

Yesterday we been living in California with friends in the Refuge. Supposedly you get here the best pastrami in the area. Since the store was very crowded, we had a couple of minutes to wait for a table, but that was not so tragic.
Besides a few appetizers, huge slabs of meat, burgers and sandwiches normal, and pastrami sandwiches were on the card. We opted for the sandwich with pastrami, Swiss cheese and mustard, a portion of chips and avocado mousse. The sandwich was super tasty, the meat was juicy and well seasoned properly.
I've shared with my wife a sandwich, we were both not quite enough and so we ordered or the Goofy-Fries, French fries with cheese, garlic and pastrami, also very tasty.
For dessert, we then use the homemade brownie cream raspberries and ordered the very tasty but its size was rather puny.
Belgian beer (KWAK) was also very good.
The staff was attentive, but not too friendly.
have total we spent a pleasant evening in the Refuge, the pastrami sandwich is worth the visit.

My contribution to The Refuge - I'm Brainslugger - on Reviews

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diary California - San Francisco Part 2

This day in San Francisco was completely under the sign of sightseeing and we are using the Muni buses, cable- Cars and trams criss-crossed all of San Francisco GEDU.

Golden Gate Bridge
As the weather was excellent today, the first thing we went to the Golden Gate Bridge. Once there, we had to find the bridge first, as though seen through San Francisco itself was not a cloud, the Golden Gate Bridge was completely shrouded in fog. This is because the mist is down from the open sea in the bay and once there gathered, before he then dissolves.

We walked across the bridge anyway and were rewarded for our effort because the fog was completely gone after about half-way and released the view of the bridge.
Golden Gate Bridge
from the bridge itself, we had a great view of the city, but disappeared again behind the fog.
view from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco

Golden Gate Park
the next stop, we appealed to Golden Gate Park, the Japanese by the Tea garden become a popular destination for tourists.
Japanese Tea Garden
Since we were already in San Diego in a Japanese garden, and the entrance is now no longer free of charge is ($ 7), we have saved us a visit and would rather be a bit like the green area walk. With a museum, an observatory, several small lakes, a botanical garden, a Dutch windmill and bison there are also plenty of other things to discover.

Alamo Square Alamo Square on
are the most photographed Victorians in the city. This is my opinion, not because the houses are particularly beautiful, but rather extends to the skyline Downtown on what the photos make it more interesting.
Victorian houses at Alamo Square
When we looked down on Alamo Square, the road we could still admire the Civic Center, that by its design significantly from the rest of city is different.
Civic Center
went Next, then to Japan Town, which has not for us really paid off, because in addition to the Pagoda Japantown consists only of the Japan Center, a covered shopping district, which do not give of a lot. went

Coit Tower
With a couple of times then transfer it to Coit Tower.
Coit Tower
The observation tower, which was set to the Telegraph Hill and such a fantastic 360-degree panoramic views of San Francisco and the Bay Area is, Lillie Hitchcock Coit dedicated to leaving the city after your death $ 100,000 to beautify the cityscape.
The Streets of San Francisco

We think we had enough today scoured sites, so we left the day with a dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and a shopping spree in Union Square end.

For the last day of our stay in San Francisco, we have saved up a visit to Alcatraz. went by ship it over to the island, both from water and from the island we had a great view of the city.
Alcatraz itself was much smaller than expected, the island is really just a small rock. In our investigation course was then very easy to see why the island for reasons of cost was given up: many of the buildings have capitulated to the weather and look so old and worn out, a visitor may find that not even allowed to step foot inside. The highlight of the island tour was of course the 45-minute audio tour of the cell blocks, where one or the other story was revealed on Alcatraz.
The atmosphere at Alcatraz was very depressing, but had the experience can fail without the bulk of tourists even more intense. Particularly spectacular was the view of the cells, have taken place in which attempts to break out.
After three hours, we have again made the trip to the mainland, have risen in the car and have San Francisco to four days behind us.

Our journey took us next to the South Bay Area in the midst of the Silicon Valley, where we visited friends in Sunnyvale, who emigrated to California. There we spent a really nice evening, among other things, we were in a small restaurant where we ate for the first time Pastrami (first cured and then smoked beef).
Very tasty.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Testicles Bound Tightly Time Limit

Reviews: Cheesecake Factory in San Francisco

San Francisco - Dining - Restaurants

From friend to this restaurant have been made aware, we have visited the Cheesecake Factory at a Sonntgnachmittag for us to enjoy a piece of cheese cake. We had about 15 minutes to wait for a table on the roof and have it get even a pager, so that we could not even look at Macy's. In addition to normal meals are over 20 different cheesecake varieties to choose from. The cheesecake, we've tried (Ultimate Velvet Cheesecake Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Cheesecake and) were super tasty and super powerful. With a full stomach should be visiting the Factory, in any case . Avoid
The staff was friendly courteous to us. If we once again feel like a delicious piece of cheese cake comes over and we're in San Francisco, we will definitely go again to the Cheesecake Factory, even if prices for a piece of cake (6 to $ 8) are not exactly cheap .

My contribution to Cheesecake Factory - I'm Brainslugger - Reviews on